
Mostrando las entradas de 2022

Para ese millenial chileno:

 BUENOS DÍAS BUENAS TARDES soy Talia y les vengo a dedicar unas palabras a los millenials chilenos que pasaron las etapas de ser pokemones o parecidos (a ojos de los adultos del tiempo): No se avergüencen de sus pasados. Me explico, yo soy una chica de generación Z y admiro mucho la expresión personal aplicada en no sólo la ropa sino también en estilos de vida, principalmente en tribus urbanas y subculturas, lo que hace que me entristezca (o mas bien dicho, me enfurezcan) que hoy existan millenials que niegan sus pasados de tribus urbanas para adaptarse a lo que se exije en las pegas y áreas académicas. Al menos veo eso cambiar y algunos millenials ya no se callan y admiten que fueron buenas etapas en sus vidas el tener grupos que compartan estilos de vida, ropa y filosofías. Veo pocos millenials que nunca han negado haber pasado las etapas de tribus urbanas y sienten hasta orgullo, incluso casos donde no han dejado de ser parte de esas tribus a pesar que ya no "existan" o qu

Why I hate the "bE yOuRsElF" lesson

Hello my girlies, I'm back! This will be a really random confession, but I need to spit it out or it will be inside me to the end of my days: how much I HATE the "be yourself" lesson. Why I'm saying this? Isn't it suppose to be good to encourage you to show who you really are to the world? Obviously yes, AND BY THIS SAME REASON I'M WRITING THIS BECAUSE I WON'T FAKE I HATE THAT PHRASE. Context first. I always lived being myself and I love to show how childish and dramatically political I am, even today, someone of 20 years old watching cartoons, reading and drawing comics, wearing pink and glitter from head to toe or looking the most gyaru I can, mixing all this with political stuff in serious and comedic ways, or urban tribe things. When I was 15 y/o I started into Harajuku Fashion as a lolita. Do I have criticism? Yes. And here comes the problem. Adults and some people of my age used to say me "you don't need to adapt yourself to fit into groups

My trips to Perú!

[This is an entry from my english classes, so it's a copypaste but adding Trujillo XD] My passion for andean cultures cames from my dad who is from the north, so I always felt close to it. When I went to Perú, it was the best place I went in my life, even more than the U.S. or Japan, places I already went, even, I would rather to go back to Perú. All I know for now is about Cuzco, Lima, Trujillo and Tacna, but everything is worthy to talk about. Tacna Tacna maybe from these places is the less attracting one, but if you want to have cheap fashionable clothing, nails or even jelwery, it's a really good place. Also, because Tacna is in the Atacama Desert, you can go to a tour for looking at the petroglyphs outside the city, there are suspected that the petroglyphs have paintings of UFOs and aliens! Just watch out of scams there, with my mom and granny we almost got scammed twice and we got scammed in one tour. Do you think this is an alien or just the artstyle of the artist? Tacna

Latinamerican influence in gyaru subculture! (UPDATED)

It's Talia again! Many of my readers know that I'm studying sociology, making me an awful over-analist girl when it's comes to urban tribes and cultural expression. Everytime I think about something I try to research about it, and after trying to research the history of tanning, I'm making this entry to anylise the latinamerican influence in gyaru subculture because I often see references to Latin America and it makes me so happy! (if you ask what happened with the history of tanning, every article in Google Scholar was almost only about tanning and its relationship with skin cancer or about tanning leather). Y'all know I'm from Chile, which makes me latin american (I'd rather to say latin american than latina because it specifies more clearly where I'm from, because to say only latino/a/e because the term 'latin' can apple to other cultures that speak any language derived from Latin, including european cultures), so whatever I see that looks kin