Why I hate the "bE yOuRsElF" lesson

Hello my girlies, I'm back!

This will be a really random confession, but I need to spit it out or it will be inside me to the end of my days: how much I HATE the "be yourself" lesson.

Why I'm saying this? Isn't it suppose to be good to encourage you to show who you really are to the world? Obviously yes, AND BY THIS SAME REASON I'M WRITING THIS BECAUSE I WON'T FAKE I HATE THAT PHRASE.

Context first. I always lived being myself and I love to show how childish and dramatically political I am, even today, someone of 20 years old watching cartoons, reading and drawing comics, wearing pink and glitter from head to toe or looking the most gyaru I can, mixing all this with political stuff in serious and comedic ways, or urban tribe things.

When I was 15 y/o I started into Harajuku Fashion as a lolita. Do I have criticism? Yes. And here comes the problem. Adults and some people of my age used to say me "you don't need to adapt yourself to fit into groups, you just need to be yourself!" (Normie, 2017), EHEM... so you think I'm in my interior a random person in this society?

That was just the light part, because some people use this phrase to redirect "confused" people to get them into establishment. I say this because I was tagged of searching identity in groups to fit in like if 1. It's bad to search identity in ADOLESCENCE, PHASE WHERE YOU SUPPOSED TO BUILD YOUR IDENTITY 2. It's always bad to try to become the person you want to really be 3. "You'll going to lose all your youth in trying to be someone you're not", please, so you think when we're dressing some way or interact with people who are like us is to be fake? And what are you? Some person who live in constant repression to avoid being fired for not being normal? And it's not about to be "basic", because this people tag "basic" girls about this too.

We people agroup in circles of same interests, so we are being ourselves in our groups, we just don't "fit" at first instance because we first need to adapt our behaviors sometimes to moral codes and norms as a instinte of survival, so as Pierre Bourdieu would call to get a new habitus, something that happens always when you are getting into a new campus, but especially in childhood when you get your "basic social norms", so if you don't fit at first instance, it's not because you're trying to be someone else, you're just procesing the ambient before showing who you are, not as those establishment-suckers.

Ok, just encourge yourself to be who you want to be because "being yourself" is for not saying "I want you to be normal" while making you to think you're actually other.

Yes, it was just that. I want to confess that quickly.

Jotaro in Mundo Gaturro, bizarre


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