How to survive with few money in gyaru


So well, it's hard to get into any japanese style when you don't have money or you're straight low class. In my case, I'm very priviledged to be medium-high social stratum, but sadly that doesn't mean I can afford brand clothing or worse, I EVEN CAN'T AFFORD FAKE BRAND BAHSHDHGDSASGHSDF, that's because I live in South America, where fashion is like one year away from today for being mainstream, normally because we have different our stations of the year. In a easier way to say, when it's summer in the north hemisphere, here is winter, so we get in the mainstream fashion stores the last year's winter clothing from north hemisphere.

So... third world problems require third world solutions, SO HERE I AM!! Being from Chile, the skinny legend and known country in Latin America for our elegant language (joke comparable to the bullying to aussie accent) and peaceful protests making barricades and burning public transport, I made my own solutions.

Go to the flea market:

Chilean flea market with some itinerant trade

I buy almost everything in what we call la feria, basically the flea market. I don't have idea how the flea market works in other countries, but in Latin America almost everything from our lifes comes from there. I'm near to three of them, so imagine all the golden I found of one dollar or less, specially with the itinerant trade, where I even got the most beautiful clothing in 100 pesos (0,12 dollars* *WHEN THIS WAS WRITEN IT COSTED THAT, I'M WISHING THE INFLATION DOESN'T GO TOO FAR). The best part of these places are the fact the clothing is second hand the mayority of time, so the guilt to pay too much for a brand clothing can be cured (original and pirated xd).

My best findings

This one was one of those only 100 pesos
I just got it because I needed urgent new tops and afterward I saw it as the best for oldschool gyaru
And the cutest of all I got in just 3 dollars

And useful tip, have you seen how horrible it gets when the flea market is gone? All those veggies and meat threw in the street? YOU CAN FIND CLOTHING TOO JFSGDFHDGSF FREE CLOTHING. A granny's friend goes after the flea markets for finding abandoned clothing before getting thrown to the garbage, and this old man has found e v e r y t h i n g. He gave my granny an original Gucci jeans but she cannot fit in, so she gave me to me (where did the person who tried to sell these jeans but forgot to bring them with them after the flea market, found the jeans? Mystery not so mystery)

Exchange clothing with friends and family:
This has not so much mystery (not like the original Gucci jeans not-so-mysterious adquisition). I did this with a friend not so long ago, I gave her two of my old lolita dresses when I was one and she gave me clothing it can be useful for me, a very beautiful and girly white shoes, some platforms (sadly a bit bigger than my feet) and a light blue deportive skirt with a mcbling vibe.
This is perfect when you REALLY don't have money, because you just pay in clothing for the other person, and both end with nice clothing.

Indoctrinate people to get into gyaru for having always someone who can help you:
Or just better find other gaijin gyarus outside, but try to indoctrinate people when you can't find gyarus where you live lol, so everytime you struggle, they are there to help with the specialities of what you need.

Save money with more people and buy stuff in the mayorist market:
I find this a super cool idea, I want to do with my almost born-dead gyarusa. There are mayorist stores that sells the products very cheap with mayorist, for example, I found a make-up mayorist store where you can have like 4 or 5 eyeshadow pallets in 12.000 pesos (13,99 dollars) and this is perfect to not pay that much for just one eyeshadow pallet, plus your friends will win too with these decisions.

Try to cope your urge to have new things making gyaru avatars in games:
THIS SOUNDS SO SAD BUT THAT WAS MY COMPLETE FIRST YEAR AGHSGFHGSFHSDGFGHSFSDFHFDSGFDSHFGSHFG (btw, if you want to be gyaru in Roblox, I sell Albarosa themed clothes at 5 robux *BIG SHOT BIG SHOT* in my account because I don't have store: DanielaTortaComics, all these because I sucked at gyaru at first)
Most sold item:

(random confession: I feel guilty to have paid Roblox before for robux knowing the explotation and irregularities of laboral conditions for game creators).

💕💕 What did you do your first days being gyaru for surviving the lack of money? Comment to all of us laugh! (in a good way of saying it XD) 💕💕

Follow me on Instagram: @molotovist_gyaru (gyaru account)
@talia_pendeja_pride (drawing account)


  1. I don't have idea how the flea market works in other countries, but in Latin America almost everything from our lifes comes from there --- pos entiendo que el flea market es el mercado de segunda mano, ¿cierto?

    En España es algo bien de modernos con los precios por los aires. Si quieres ropa barata la única opción es ir uno que no sea muy conocido o tenga una mentalidad así de barateo.

    Lo que entiendo que se pueda asemejar es lo que aquí se conoce como mercadillo, que es ropa así superlowcost de bastante mala calidad -aunque puede haber sopresas- con tenderetes y los dueños atrayendo clientes a gritos en plan vendo bragas a un EURO.

    1. Es la feria de las pulgas. Y sí, hay ropa que llega a ser mala, pero me han durado más cosas proveniendo de la feria que de tiendas fast fashion bshshsghak


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