
Mostrando las entradas de mayo, 2022

How to survive with few money in gyaru

  HEHE I LIVE IN CHILE AND THAT'S ALREADY A PROBLEM So well, it's hard to get into any japanese style when you don't have money or you're straight low class. In my case, I'm very priviledged to be medium-high social stratum, but sadly that doesn't mean I can afford brand clothing or worse, I EVEN CAN'T AFFORD FAKE BRAND BAHSHDHGDSASGHSDF, that's because I live in South America, where fashion is like one year away from today for being mainstream, normally because we have different our stations of the year. In a easier way to say, when it's summer in the north hemisphere, here is winter, so we get in the mainstream fashion stores the last year's winter clothing from north hemisphere. So... third world problems require third world solutions, SO HERE I AM!! Being from Chile, the skinny legend and known country in Latin America for our elegant language (joke comparable to the bullying to aussie accent) and peaceful protests making barricades and burni

Unusual tips to get into gyaru

When I started gyaru, it was hard to get clothing, not only because it takes time to get a wardrobe, it's because I didn't get clothing well. Not exactly missinformation of gyaru clothing, more like... I didn't have an eye at that time to understand what clothing was exactly the best for gyaru (using black high-rise leggins for 90's ganguro? lol), and suddenly I discovered... gyaru was not only ganguro or tsuyome, because it exists so much different sub-styles that even your actual clothing can work. So here comes some unusual tips I've never have seen recommended and I discovered with time. 1. Use your mom's or any familiar clothing: Believe me, it works, specially for the oldschool gyaru from the 2000s. My mom uses an old-fashioned necklaces, those from the 80's and 90's with a lot of colors and shapes and it saved me a lot when it comes to gyaru fashion. If you have a sister or an auntie who still has her old clothing it can work too (or their today&#